
Thank you so much for your interest and participation in this research project.

Project Overview:

We have previously designed an online, interactive educational module on how to perform a laparoscopic ectopic salpingostomy. Now, we are trying to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) as one of the ways learners can gain feedback on their surgical simulation performances.
This is where we need your help. We are asking professionals to create surgical simulation videos to train our AI algorithm.
As a participant in this research study, we ask you to complete the following steps:

  1. Watch the expert and common mistakes videos and review the verification of proficiency checklist to learn how to perform the surgery. (~15 minutes)
  2. Assemble the box trainer panels, position the ectopic pregnancy model, and set up your mobile phone to record a video. (You will be provided with precut box panels, ectopic pregnancy model, and laparoscopic tools). (~15 minutes)
  3. Record the first video of you performing the surgery in the box trainer. Make sure to have the checklist available to verify you’ve completed each step of the procedure.
  4. Following the completion of your first video, submit your video using WeTransfer.
  5. We will provide feedback on your first video and ask you to incorporate the feedback in your next attempt.
  6. Record the second video of you performing the surgery in the box trainer. (~ 90 minutes)
  7. Upload your second video to share with us. (~ 2 minutes)
  8. Return the provided laparoscopic tools using the return label. Failure to return laparoscopic tools will result in holding of payment for participation.
Informed Consent:

All data will be de-identified during analysis, meaning it cannot be linked to you as an individual. Only study team members will know who participated or provided which content.

By proceeding, you are agreeing to have the de-identified content you provide analyzed and potentially published for publicity, research, and/or future learning.

Funding and Affiliations:GSTC

This study is in collaboration with the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS), the College of Surgeons in East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA), the University of Michigan, Southern Illinois University, Soddo Christian Hospital, Mbingo Baptist Hospital, and Kijabe Hospital. Funding for this study has been provided by the Global Surgical Training Challenge.


Watch the following videos:

Common Mistakes:
- Not inspecting both fallopian tubes. Ensure you are using your laparoscopic tools to physically examine both tubes (not just the diseased side). In your second video, you will still need to inspect the side you have already operated on.
- Do not injure the mesosalpinx; make your tubal incision on the antimesenteric side.
- Do not transect the tube or injure the healthy tube.
- Not removing an adequate amount of ectopic contents from the tube and/or leaving ectopic contents in the abdomen. Please ensure as you evacuate the ectopic contents from the tube, you are also removing the tissue from the abdomen.
- Do not force the needle into port while loaded onto the grasper
. Rather, bring the needle into the abdomen by grasping the suture.
- Do not complete a surgeon’s knot followed by two additional throws. Please also make sure you also are cutting the suture once you’ve finished your last throw.


Familiarize yourself with the checklist.

This checklist includes details of how your video will be graded by the AI. It is imperative that you do not skip any steps! Incomplete videos will result in partial payment.

View ChecklistSTEP 2: ASSEMBLE

Assemble the provided box trainer panels.

View Box Assemble InstructionsSTEP 3: RECORD VIDEOS

Record yourself performing the surgery twice, once on each fallopian tube, using the box trainer you assembled in the previous step. Prior to filming, please tape the model taped down to your table surface; a piece of tape along the top, side edges, and/or bottom of the model should provide extra stability. This will prevent the model from shifting around while you operate and allow the AI to analyze your movements properly.

After the first recording, spend at least 30 minutes reviewing your first video using the checklist then practicing the most challenging portions of the surgery on the side you just completed. For example, if you struggled with the suturing portion of the surgery, try completing an additional 3 sutures or practice knot tying using the laparoscopic tools.  The second video will represent your ‘post-practice’ attempt.

After practicing, record your second attempt on the other fallopian tube. Each video should be recorded and uploaded separately (left and right). Please record each attempt in one continuous shot and avoid splicing clips together.  Below are some instructions on how to set up the recording.

Set up Option 1 – Mobile phone only
– Place your phone horizontally in the holder between the port sites with the camera positioned to see into the box and the phone screen facing you.

– Please make sure the simulation model is in focus and centered on your phone screen at all times with sufficient overhead lighting to minimize shadows.
[INSERT optimal lighting and bad lighting examples]

– Use the video recording feature of your phone camera to capture your simulation video.
1. Avoid excessive movements of the box to ensure your recording is stable. This helps keep the model in focus during the entire surgery.
2. Each video will need to be completed in one continuous shot. Please do not splice clips together, as this disrupts the AI’s ability to analyze your movements.

– Refrain from using the zoom feature while recording to optimize your view. Doing so alters what the AI can capture. If you have difficulty optimizing your view, try Option #2 (see below) for your video setup to utilize an additional larger screen.
Set up Option 2 – Mobile phone to record and Laptop as a viewing screen.
Set up Instructions

Once you have recorded your video, send it to us via WeTransfer, a free file transfer service. Use the link below and send it to our email address, Use the email that you provided us for the study.

Submit Videos via WeTransferSTEP 5: RETURN THE TOOLS

Once we confirm the receipt of the second video, please pack the laparoscopic tools and return them using the pre-printed return label.

REMINDER: To receive the full payment for your participation, we must receive the returned laparoscopic tools AND the two (pre-and post) videos of you completing the surgery in full.


You have now completed the project.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved further with this project, please contact

We appreciate you!

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